
Chronic Homeless Programs in Santa Monica and Venice help the community’s most vulnerable homeless individuals obtain and maintain permanent supportive housing. The program focuses on serving persons who have been homeless for an extended period, are the most visible in the community, and may be high users of police, paramedic and emergency room resources.

The goal of this program is to connect chronically homeless individuals to permanent supportive housing and vital services to improve their physical and mental health.

Coordinated Entry System for Families is the region-wide collaborative led by St. Joseph Center that provides short-term rental assistance, resource referrals, and case management to homeless and at-risk families with children in an effort to support housing stability.

As part of a regionally coordinated system of care for homeless families, St. Joseph Center provides rapid re-housing and ongoing case management to assist families secure and maintain safe, stable permanent housing.

The goal is to assist homeless families to stay in their communities-close to school, employment, family and community-based supportive services to help reduce the destabilizing effect of homelessness.

Housing for Health is an LA County Department of Health Services (DHS)-supported effort that helps high utilizers of L.A. County public health facilities obtain and maintain permanent supportive housing. By housing homeless persons who have been high-utilizers of DHS services with complex medical and behavioral health conditions, we plan to health clients improve their overall health and reduce costs to the public health system.

This effort’s goal is to provide permanent supportive housing, recuperative care, and specialized primary care to homeless people with complex physical and behavioral health conditions.

Housing Services assists people in securing and maintaining permanent housing using subsidized vouchers or in buildings constructed as affordable housing. The program provides case management and other direct client services. The goal of the program is to promote housing stability and self-sufficiency for clients.

Integrated Mobile Health Team provides mental health, physical health, and substance abuse services to chronically homeless individuals through a multi-disciplinary staff working as one team to help clients obtain and maintain permanent supportive housing.

The service model is designed to improve and better coordinate the quality of care for individuals with a mental illness, and their families, if appropriate, who are homeless or have recently moved into Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) and have other vulnerabilities.

The program’s goal is to use a client-centered, housing-first approach that uses harm reduction strategies across all modalities of mental health, physical health, and substance abuse treatment to improve client well-being.

Rapid Rehousing provides move-in assistance and short-term rental subsidies to households on the Westside and in South LA that are capable of quickly regaining and maintaining stability. It serves including individuals, youth, and families who have relatively fewer barriers to self-sufficiency.