Birthday Club Banner

Birthday Club

Birthday Club Mobile Image

Ways To Participate:
Choose the birthday month(s) you would like to sponsor and the number of birthdays you would like to sponsor. (ex. 1, 2, 3 etc.)

We will send you your birthday sponsee(s) info (name, birthdate, cake flavor preference, favorite color, and parental contact information) and the sponsee’s birthday gift. Please schedule a drop-off of Party Kit (birthday card, cake or cupcakes and, balloons) with the parent before the child’s birthday week.

If you prefer to leave the shopping to us, you can become an express sponsor for $35 per birthday.

Thank you for helping St. Joseph Center spread birthday JOY to a child!

Option 1 – Fill Out The Form to Sponsor a Birthday and Deliver a party Kit During Sponsee’s Birthday Week

Option 2 – Express Sponsor a Birthday with Monetary Donation